
fredag 1 januari 2016

Dean Heller 19 dec 2013 skriver ?

Sånt här foto publicerade Anthon Ovchar på facebook  året 2015.
På foton syns att pappret kommer från United States Senate  Washindton DC och är signerat av U.S. Senator Dean Heller.
Det syns texten:
"Thank you for contacting me with your concerns about Geoengineering. I appreciate your thoughts on this issue and welcome the opportunity to respond.
I understand your concerns about Geoengineering and the risks it poes  on the Health and Welfare of the enviroment and the public. As you know, Geoengineering is the deliberate modifikation of a planet's Environment by the addition or subtraction of a resource or energy input on a massive scale. Some of these practices include the disbursal of Chemicals into the enviroment. You may be interested to know that the Safe Chemicals Akt (S.696) was introduced to require safety testing of all industrial Chemicals. Under the Act, chemical producers would be required to prove that Chemicals are safe in order stay on the market. Currently, the Enviromental Protection Agency (EPA) can only call for safety testing after evidence surfaces demonstrating a chemical is  dengerous.  S.696 was introduced on April 10, 2013, was referred to the Committe on Enviroment and Public Works, and is awaiting further action.
Again , thank you for contacting me to share your thoughts. Please continue keeping me informed of the issues that matter to you..."
Och brevet är adresserad till Valerie Franklin...